The Quest

I found you, amidst a throng
Shining bright like a happy star
I found you, spreading light, spreading happiness 
Always a star, you were. 
When the dark clouds swept in
little did I know
they were here for you
I stood there staring
into nowhere.
When I opened my eyes
You were gone
The wind swept you along
You drifted into distances
My hands were too short
To hold you back
I let you go.
Never knowing the reason
Iet you go
A little spark of hope
Flickering within me
The star would shine again,
I whispered
The noise not letting me hear myself .
The star would shine again
I whispered louder, this time.
Hours, days and months
melted into time,
I never found you
Your sound was heard
Somewhere in the black
I never saw you.
The star had shifted to horizons unknown
I shouted into the wind
the wind refused to carry my sound.
All that was there
Vanished into thin air.
Vanquished by despair, and breaking me from within.
I never found you,
A friend carved within,
You drifted into dreams,
I believed they were dreams
Good dreams.
The day was not bright
but when you smiled,
It became one.
I found you
The eyes I knew,
The smile I grew familiar with
The open arms, and the big heart.
I found you on a moonlit eve
Fighting tears and making up
the lamp of friendship shone bright.
I smiled in months
from my heart....
You were here to stay.
Spreading smiles,
The star shone bright
I knew the quest was over
I had found you,
This time forever... smile emoticon
