'The One You Cannot Have - Preeti Shenoy' : I read it ...did you???

This is the book I finished just a short while ago. I bragged my experience to some book lovers already but writing it down is completely different. It gives an exquisite feeling of pleasure to hold a pen in between your fingers, make your thoughts the master and the paper your slave.

Preeti Shenoy is surely a master in story telling. I don't yet know what is there in her writing that grips me so much into it and forces me to rush reading the book. When I am flipping the pages she wrote, nothing registers except the flow of the story. The characters seem so realistic, as if they are my neighbors and the scenes ate just too simple- no soaps, no exaggeration and no melodrama above all. Just life- in the way it really is. It is tough to let go of Aman, to forget the charm and bubbly nature of Anjali and Shruthi too. Oh! how can I forget Dipika-the hot chick- who performs her act of a negative role pretty well. But can women really become so desperate if they do not have a satisfactory married life? God knows. I think I should ask her in person.

The best thing about this book is the way it makes us understand about the one we cannot have. Yes! In life there are certain people whom we dote on, love so much but somewhere deep inside we know that he/she will never be ours. We of course do not want to accept the truth as it hurts really badly. However we try, we cannot change this fact and it lingers there forever as a pricking pain. Hard to get over and harder to forget. This book has also given a deep insight into the concept of marriage- maybe or yes I do not agree to what Preeti keeps on repeating that all marriages are so unhappy ones.

Marriages can have ups and downs..sometimes a little too many of them. But there are at least a handful of them contended.
Yeah, but life is not that dull after marriage right? Oops....how can I comment about that because I am not married yet! And if I read such comments about marriages again I prefer not to marry anytime in future. Why cant someone write something a little more encouraging.....not that I run matrimonial business and that my business may die down! But still.... sometimes I really think that we are downplaying this sacred relation between two people. People have become so prejudiced about marriages being loathsome and unhappy that they never try the other way around. No one make an effort to rescue their succumbing relations. Everyone is the slave of their ego.

Hey ...by reading what i have just written, one more career option has popped up in.my reckless brain- a marriage counselor. I would thrive at it or so do I think.
Apart from this monotony of every-marriage-is-unhappy concept I find the other aspects of this book pretty attractive. Preeti knows exactly how to gamble around with simple words. She adds a secret ingredient to her novels that keeps a reader hooked to it- than to let them rummage in dictionaries for nut cracking word meanings. 

The language used is simple and understandable. The Indian phrases she keeps adding to her writings makes the readers feel home and adds the tender desi touch to them. Personally I loved this book except for certain things that I have mentioned already. But I wish desperately that I would never have the-one-I-cannot have in my life.
Thank you Preeti for this beautiful story....keep going!
(Except some characters I haven't mentioned much about the story in this review because I want you all to explore the book and flip each page with the same curiosity and suspense that I had while reading it.)
